This blog post is a copy from the post I wrote for the Design for Conversion blog, which can be found here.
But conversion is more than just that. Conversion in its basics is an event that results to a transformation. Design for Conversion is the design in order for users to reach this transformation. This can for instance be a transformation of thought. Because of a design we think differently about a certain type of product or service. This can of course be used for good and bad.
Perspective of a user experience designer
As a user experience designer I am always intrigued by new ways of engaging customers to a product. What are the elements in for example interaction design, that persuade people to take certain actions? How can you design a product or service that is compelling and is being seen as an experience by the users of that product or service?
Perspective of a team captain
In order to learn in this field of expertise and in order to practice attending the Design for Conversion is probably the best way. Almost since the beginning of the design for conversion seminar I have been a part of this event. I was attending the Design For Conversion in Amsterdam and realized the potential of the way this conference is being held. As a participator of this event I realized I could contribute in a more active way, so I offered myself as team captain. The fourth DfC was held in Cologne which was my first performance as team captain.
About the value of brainstorming
As an interaction designer, brainstorming is always an important part of the design process. There is a problem which needs a solution. With a brainstorm you try to come up with solutions that fit the problem and you often do this with a multidisciplinary team. Often I lead these brainstorms as a facilitator and it is always great to see the teamwork behind such a diverse group of people. Because of this team work the outcome is often very creative and is great input for further development of the product or service you are working on.
The Design for Conversion is on some level this brainstorm, but not only with the advantage of coming up with solutions, but also by learning the newest theoretics within the field of persuasive technology and experience design. The conference actually consists of two parts. One part is more the traditional kind were you listen to engaging speakers talking about their vision upon this field of expertise. But the other part, and this is were it gets really interesting and interactive, is the part were you are being placed in multidisciplinary teams and try to solve a very interesting case with the help of a team captain.
Attending the Design for Conversion is attending a conference were you learn about conversion in the field of persuasive technology and experience design. The DfC is about creating events for transforming people, but mostly the DfC is a conversion on its own; it is an event which transforms you.