August 5, 2016
By combining lessons learned from biology, psychology, the movie industry and game design we can create immersive playful training solutions in which emotion is used as a basis for adopting behavior change.
Read postJune 30, 2016
Good gamification is in it essence sustainable gamification. Solutions in which the user, the technology, but also the business work together on the long-term. But too often we don’t focus enough on the collaboration between the three. Let me explain.
Read postDecember 3, 2015
When going through any gamification process I use a framework as guidance. It’s a framework I developed in the last years when doing projects with clients. This posts gives full insight on my Strategic Gamification Design framework.
Read postNovember 24, 2015
Gamification design nowadays is being approached too simple. Gamification designers tend to think in objects, resulting in solutions with game mechanics, but missing the true coherence between these elements. We need a system design approach.
Read postMarch 2, 2015
The story behind the name change to The Playful Company. “Play is an interaction between players ignited by a to be designed product or service. I want to design that interaction.”
Read postMay 27, 2014
I just got back from Barcelona where I was speaking at the third Gamification World Congress. This event is the second largest gamification event in the world and the largest in Europe.
Read postFebruary 27, 2013
We all know that moment in school, when we were asking our teacher: ‘Why are we learning these equations?’. You knew you had do to them, but you never knew why. You had to come up with the right solution, but you had no idea what practical use this solution would have. And your teacher would probably respond to your question saying: ‘You will need to know how to do these equations once you get older. Once you start working.’
Read postDecember 28, 2012
Saturday the 10th of November I spoke at TEDxUHasselt about the importance of context in learning. Context in learning brings motivation to education, but also on the workfloor.
Read postNovember 17, 2012
Recently I talked during the OpenSuse Conference in Prague about gamification and the possibilities of using game elements and techniques for open source projects.
Read postAugust 9, 2012
De aankomende tijd heb ik een aantal leuke lezingen en workshops op het programma staan. Hier een lijstje waar ik binnenkort te vinden ben.
Read postJuly 25, 2012
Onlangs heb ik bij Kennisnet aan tafel gezeten om geinterviewd te worden over mijn visie op gamification in het onderwijs. Dit interview is opgenomen en als podcast online gezet.
Read postJune 5, 2012
Voor de docentenopleiding Maatschappijleer van de Universiteit Utrecht heb ik een gastcollege verzorgd over games in en gamification van het onderwijs.
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